Settings - Temperature

The Temperature section really exists of 3 parts; at the top you have the sensor selection and at the bottom you have the alarm and visual section for the selected MBM 5 sensor. So if you select a new MBM 5 sensor then the Alarm and Visual section will change according to the settings for the selected sensor. This means that you can/must configure each sensor on it's own

MBM 5 sensor

MBM 5 can display up to 32 temperature sensors, the selected sensor in this box determines to what sensor all the others changes you make on this tab are applied

Should display board sensor

This list shows the avaible sensors on your motherboard, you hook them to 1 of the 32 MBM 5 sensors. Only select Custom if you plan on using that sensor with an external program who will write to that slot, see the Write Shared Memory section for more detail on that.

- Alarm